Team Crash cannot always be self-sustaining; the Captain and his faithful sidekicks often rely on businesses and various outfitters to obtain gear, services, expertise, and even food. Once a week-- usually on Wednesdays-- Crash or another member of the team will give a shout-out to an outfitter of some sort who has helped us out in the past and deserves a little free advertising here. Help support them because if they're on here, you know they're top-notch!
In keeping with the spirit of Cleveland Sucks Week, the Outfitter of the Week will keep the same theme! Even though it's not really an "outfitter" per se. I don't think there's a member of Team Crash that will argue against the importance of a good place to eat. To us, they're just as crucial to some adventures as a good livery or guide service. And the last time I was adventuring in Cleveland the Winking Lizard Tavern sure as hell proved pivotal.
In keeping with the spirit of Cleveland Sucks Week, the Outfitter of the Week will keep the same theme! Even though it's not really an "outfitter" per se. I don't think there's a member of Team Crash that will argue against the importance of a good place to eat. To us, they're just as crucial to some adventures as a good livery or guide service. And the last time I was adventuring in Cleveland the Winking Lizard Tavern sure as hell proved pivotal.
Winking Lizard Tavern
So. There you are wallowing in the shit that is Cleveland and you need to see some sports. And no, not those jokes that they claim to be sports teams in Ohio. I'm talking about teams like the Stillers and Guins. Where do you turn? Probably a sweet-ass bar with about eleventy billion TV's with access to more channels than you know what to do with. Ask for a Pittsburgh game and ye shall recieve. And odds are, you'll be seated alongside several of your black and gold brethren (or whatever city you're representing, but I don't know why it wouldn't be the City of Champions.)
Of course being able to watch Sid and Geno run up the score against a shit goalie while you're in the blackhole of professional sports is nice, but they gotta have good drinks and food too, eh? No worries my friends. The beer selection is phenomenol and the food ain't too bad. So you can easily wash down your BBQ with a Molson to satisfy your cravings as you proudly clutch that terrible towel.
So the next time you find yourself on Lake Erie's lamest port, stop into the WInking Lizard for a little Pittsburgh safe haven. Woooo.
Let's Go Pens and Steelers!
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