Oct 31, 2009

From The Archives: Halloween!

Halloween is here and we have one last treat for you. Though it's really more like a trick considering it's just reposting two old treks from the Adventures archive. Two ghost hunts that are pretty weak... but cool because they involve Captain Crash so suck it.

Before fighting for our nation's independence, George Washington got his start in combat commanding battles in the French and Indian War, a conflict waged over the frontier of the New World. At that time, that frontier was in the immense wilderness of the Laurel Highlands. After suffering a massive defeat with staggering casualties at his makeshift fort in the Great Meadows, the spirits of the fallen fighters still linger in the place Washington once called "a charming place for an encounter."

There's something so charming about a covered bridge in the afternoon. In the darkness, not so much. Many of these structures that remain have spooky stories as integral to them as their walls and rafters. As me and Ternous learned one autumn night, the bridge at Bells Mills upholds that haunted standard with a ghost that just won't stop crossing its old rickety boards.

Happy Halloween everyone! May all your paranormal investigations be filled with enough ghosts and ghouls to make you shit your pants.


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This blog focuses on the travels of Captain Crash, a Pittsburgh native and outdoor guide with a knack for adventure. With a few sidekicks and two great Jeeps, Crash finds incredibly unique and scenic areas throughout Western Pa, WV, NY, OH, MD, and beyond. The adventures are typically off the beaten path to places almost completely unheard of today and often involve camping, offroading, ATVing, paddling, biking, hiking, backpacking, climbing, urban exploring, rappelling, cliff jumping, ghost hunting, urban legends and more.
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