Mar 1, 2010

Damn You Canada...

Just wanted to make a note to the followers that the updates got slowed down because as many of you know yours truly is an absolute hockey fanatic and couldn't stop watching Olympic hockey these past two weeks. But now that my hero went and crushed my dreams in over time with a winning goal for the wrong country the updates should pick back up.

I am continuing my winter boycott because it is now merged in with my Canada boycott... so you will still see no wintry adventures posted. Only fun, sunny ones.

Fuck snow.


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This blog focuses on the travels of Captain Crash, a Pittsburgh native and outdoor guide with a knack for adventure. With a few sidekicks and two great Jeeps, Crash finds incredibly unique and scenic areas throughout Western Pa, WV, NY, OH, MD, and beyond. The adventures are typically off the beaten path to places almost completely unheard of today and often involve camping, offroading, ATVing, paddling, biking, hiking, backpacking, climbing, urban exploring, rappelling, cliff jumping, ghost hunting, urban legends and more.
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