Mar 17, 2010

Calling off the Boycott

Well, with the weather breaking and the snow disappearing faster than Cosmic Brownies did in my old apartment, I suppose I can finally call off the boycott on snow and winter weather. But not just yet! I'll add one last warm weather blog entry today or tomorrow before doing a little tribute to Snowmageddon 2010.

Also, I apologize for the lack of updates the past week or so but hey- I was excited to get outside and play in the nice weather!


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This blog focuses on the travels of Captain Crash, a Pittsburgh native and outdoor guide with a knack for adventure. With a few sidekicks and two great Jeeps, Crash finds incredibly unique and scenic areas throughout Western Pa, WV, NY, OH, MD, and beyond. The adventures are typically off the beaten path to places almost completely unheard of today and often involve camping, offroading, ATVing, paddling, biking, hiking, backpacking, climbing, urban exploring, rappelling, cliff jumping, ghost hunting, urban legends and more.
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