Jul 17, 2010

Travel: Madison, Wisconsonsin

When it comes to adventure, Captain Crash can get pretty diverse. While primarily this website fouses on the mountainous treks into the wilderness, some times the members of Team Crash just like to do a little traveling to another city for awhile. Afterall, we're mostly suburb-folks ourselves, and Crash has a special appreciation for history and architecture. Some times we're just passing through and other times we're staying a few days while following a beloved Pittsburgh sports team but dammit we always make it a bit of an adventure so from time to time the pictures end up here in special Travel Blogs.
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http://www.locallender.info/images/states/wisconsin.gifWhen Bilo and I first started planning our road trip to Minnesota, we realized that we would be passing right through Wisconsin, yet neither of us had ever been there. So of course we were gonna incorporate a stop there somehow. As it turns out, Liz and Mary, joining us for the trip, had close friends in the state capitol of Madison who offered to put our foursome up for the night. Free lodging in a city I had never visited? Plus the opportunity for some famous Wisconsin cheese? Hell yeah! And so a Madison leg was incorporated as we ventured across the frozen tundra of the Midwest.

When we first got into the area, we skirted around the city to the bordering Lake Mendota for a quick hike out across a very snowy Picnic Point, a long slender peninsula that provides a unique view of the Madison skyline across its waters. You can see that whole adventure on its own blog entry right here, but here's some pics to show ya the awesome view across the endless ice.

See that huge domed building in the middle? That's the Capitol Building of Wisconsin, and that was my next target. Many of you usual readers know how much of a sucker I am for old architecture, so that fucker was like a beacon. Tough sell with the girls, but we stopped to see it right in the heart of downtown Madison. Very cool.

Look closely in that last shot... you can actually see the dome of the Capitol Building reflected in the windows of that small skyscraper. Thought it was cool but whatev. Anyway, we snagged some food downtown then called it a night and headed to Liz's friend's house just outside the city. Nice suburb blanketed in wayyyyy too much snow.

So we got a relatively early start the next day to make our way to our hotel in Minnesota. But you better believe I wasn't going to be in the heart of Wisconsin and not get any cheese. A giant cheese billboard in Madison summoned me and I stocked up hardcore at a cheese emporium and also grabbed some Wisconsin made wine to go with it. All of it was delicious!!!

Damn that was a good cheese... and a nice city too I guess. Just glad to be out of that snow right now.


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This blog focuses on the travels of Captain Crash, a Pittsburgh native and outdoor guide with a knack for adventure. With a few sidekicks and two great Jeeps, Crash finds incredibly unique and scenic areas throughout Western Pa, WV, NY, OH, MD, and beyond. The adventures are typically off the beaten path to places almost completely unheard of today and often involve camping, offroading, ATVing, paddling, biking, hiking, backpacking, climbing, urban exploring, rappelling, cliff jumping, ghost hunting, urban legends and more.
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