Mar 2, 2010

Adventure: Left Hill

You know what I love about adventures that don't focus on urban legends or specific historical events? Simplicity in posting them on my blog. Yeah, the quirky tales that make the background of my usual locations is what tends to get people hooked on here, but sometimes I just wanna drive my Jeep through some damn rock and mud.

Left Hill is precisely one of those places. It is nothing more than an old strip mine discharge, that has become a sort of moonscape through years of abandonment. And that makes for a pretty good playground for a Jeep. This particular one sits back in the pines of Clarion County in the Pa Wilds, so its close proximity to my undergrad university made for multiple visits... and all those pictures have gotten mixed up. While usually I would just stop up in the ZJ to show off to friends, I did make one brief run with a few members of WPaXC, the Western Pa Xterra Club.

Lots of action shots after the jump! Click "Read More"!

Here's pictures of my play time in the ZJ at Left Hill over the years in absolutely no logical order... just to prove that I was once the offroader I claim to be! Some pics blatantly stolen from Jason (Muzikman)... you can see his whole gallery of Left Hill right here.

WPaXC LeftHill 2006-03-26 009
WPaXC LeftHill 2006-03-26 001WPaXC LeftHill 2006-03-26 006WPaXC LeftHill 2006-03-26 010WPaXC LeftHill 2006-03-26 015WPaXC LeftHill 2006-03-26 027WPaXC LeftHill 2006-03-26 049WPaXC LeftHill 2006-03-26 050WPaXC LeftHill 2006-03-26 053WPaXC LeftHill 2006-03-26 057WPaXC LeftHill 2006-03-26 112WPaXC LeftHill 2006-03-26 117
WPaXC LeftHill 2006-03-26 127

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This blog focuses on the travels of Captain Crash, a Pittsburgh native and outdoor guide with a knack for adventure. With a few sidekicks and two great Jeeps, Crash finds incredibly unique and scenic areas throughout Western Pa, WV, NY, OH, MD, and beyond. The adventures are typically off the beaten path to places almost completely unheard of today and often involve camping, offroading, ATVing, paddling, biking, hiking, backpacking, climbing, urban exploring, rappelling, cliff jumping, ghost hunting, urban legends and more.
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